District Officers

Officers of the 11th Masonic District and Masters & Wardens Association

“The Masters and Wardens Association is dedicated to the development of Lodge leaders within our jurisdiction. To that end, we are committed to bringing together both sitting Masters and Wardens from all Lodges, and other brothers, to share ideas, develop relationships, discuss Masonic business, and improve both ourselves and our Lodges throughout the jurisdiction.” Meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the fourth Wednesday of each month, in the Abanaki Club in the Augusta Masonic Center, 317 Water Street, Augusta, Maine.

District Officers

District Deputy Grand Master

R.W. Richard Kimball (207-441-8843)

District Ritual Instructor

Wor. Joshua Hooper (207-215-6670)

District Education Representative

V.W. Charles Izzi, Jr. (207-740-1150)

Assistant Grand Lecturer

R.W. Ryan Kane (207-739-0004)

Masters and Wardens Association Officers


Mike Kimball


Don Damon

Vice President

​​Chris Jones


Steven Costello